Coastal Skipper

This is a 3 week combination of mile-building, skill development and preparation for the yachtmaster coastal exam.

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal 

This is run over 3 weeks, the first 2 are spent “mile building” followed with a “skills & drills” preparation week prior to taking the exam. It is recommended you have completed your Yachtmaster Theory Course before arriving at our training centre as this will allow us to focus on the practical side of your training. We can help you with this is you have not already completed the theory. 

During this course you will cover 800 nautical miles. You should have completed 30 days at sea on vessels less than 24M skippered for at least 2 days and 8 night hours.

You will start and finish in Gibraltar:

What’s Included

  • Fuel 
  • Marina fees
  • Light meals at sea……breakfast, Lunch, snacks, and drinks (evening meals are not included).
  • Accommodation is onboard one of our motor boats for the duration of the course. Bedding and towels are also supplied.
  • Course Material

*Please note that exam fees are not included in our course fee. Enquire for the current additional costs.

Previous Experience


Coastal Skipper Practical Syllabus

Passage planning 

  • Can plan a coastal passage including a consideration of the capability of the vessel, navigation, victualing, weather, ports of refuge, tidal heights and tidal streams
  • Knowledge of publications required and strategy
  • Has knowledge of local Customs Procedures

 Preparation for Sea 

  • Is aware of safety equipment required for offshore passages
  • Can prepare a cruising vessel for sea including stowage, safety briefing, watch keeping, delegating responsibilities and equipment and engine checks


  • Can prepare a pilotage plan, with consideration of soundings, transits, clearing bearings, buoyage, port or harbour regulations and tidal considerations
  • Can pilot a cruising vessel by day and night

 Passage Making and Ability as Skipper 

  • Can take charge of a cruising vessel and direct the crew
  • Can organise the navigation, deckwork and domestic duties of a cruising vessel on passage
  • Is aware of the significance of meteorological trends
  • Is aware of crew welfare on passage
  • Can use electronic navigational equipment for planning and undertaking a passage, including the use of waypoints and routes

 Boat Handling Under Power 

  • How to identify and take into account wind and current conditions when planning and executing manoeuvres
  • Can control the cruising vessel effectively in a confined space, including all berthing and un-berthing situations
  • Pick up a mooring buoy 
  • Avoid excessive use of power
  • Additional for twin engine vessels: berth and un-berth in simple situations using one engine, including the correct use of springs

 Adverse Weather Conditions 

  • How to handle a vessel in strong winds
  • General conduct in restricted visibility
  • Prepare a cruising vessel for heavy weather
  • Navigate in restricted visibility

 Emergency Situations 

  • The actions to be taken when abandoning to a liferaft, and during helicopter and lifeboat rescues
  • How to carry out the aftercare requirements on a casualty who has been in the water
  • Describe to a crew member the effects of cold-water shock on a casualty who has been in the water
  • Recover a man overboard under power
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