Motor Boat vs Power Boat

Motor Boat vs Power Boat

What is the difference between a Powerboat and a Motorboat? At Motor Boat Fast Track we are often asked this question and while there is no precise answer, here are some differences you can consider as guidance. Feature Power Boat Motor Boat Onboard accommodation Not usually Yes, there will be a sleeping facilities on board….

Clouds and Weather

Clouds and Weather

Identifying Clouds Clouds are your long distance indicators of approaching weather. Large storm clouds are simple to identify but there are so many more that can help us predict the coming weather. Here you can see the main cloud types. Met Office Cloud Guidance The UK Meteorological Office is an excellent resource for understanding the…

Maritime Radio

Maritime Radio

Communication at sea is critical to both good seamanship and to the safety of your vessel. It is used to advise other vessels of your intentions and requests. It allows you to get updates on safety and weather conditions, as well as making emergency calls. But many people are unfamiliar with the use of radio…

MAYDAY Procedure

MAYDAY Procedure

The maritime environment can be a fantastic playground to sail in. But is can also be a challenging and dangerous place. Knowing how to make a MAYDAY call is an important skill for you as a skipper. It should only be used in case of grave imminent danger. That would be a risk to life…